Component Procurement

While our business centers on producing flexible circuits that meet your needs, FCT often takes on the additional challenge of sourcing the add-on components required for your subassembly.

From off the shelf components to custom manufactured components, plastics, heat sinks and beyond, FCT can be your resource during prototyping and production to source the components required for your program.

FCT employs a stringent process when sourcing components inclusive of our proprietary matrix based sourcing system that allows us to compare costs and lead times against several suppliers. This matrix based systems allows FCT to come up with best case scenarios for our customers related to cost and lead time. We then weigh the results against our customer’s most pressing requirements to develop the best case scenario for obtaining components in support of meeting our customer’s program requirements.

Design Assistance

Superior Design Assistance



Inventory Stocking

Component Procurement

Project Management

Manufacturing and Assembly

Manufacturing, Assembly, and Product Box Builds

FCT's Solutions Provider Program

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